If Yogi Said It, It Might Be True.

Every once in a while, you discover a book you should have read long ago.

There are 66 books in the Bible that fit into that category. They are unusual in that you can read them multiple times and there is always something fresh and new. Stuart Briscoe published his biography in 2008 entitled “Flowing Streams, Journeys of a Life Well Lived.” As he shares the flowing streams of his life, he calls on the wisdom of others to make his life points.


One of those sages, none other than Yogi Berra, head the 5th chapter entitled The Fork in the River, with the following well-known quote “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Well yes, and for sure. Both Stuart and Yogi remind us that forward is the only direction life has. You simply cannot go backward and moving forward includes many key decisions about taking the inevitable forks that you face in all travels.


Last night Judy and I left the Colorado Rockies vs. Los Angeles baseball game heading home to Colorado Springs. I used a travel app called Waze and it helped us weave our way through all the Denver road construction. There is a lot of infrastructure rebuilding underway for which I am generally supportive. Not so supportive when it’s 10 PM, obviously dark, and I’m directed to weave my way through jammed unknown streets.


I knew I was blocks away from Highway 25 south, my primary route home. The sign indicated another detour taking me further away from my destination. There was an old sign saying that Highway 25 was straight ahead. So, what did I do? I ignored Waze's directions that included a detour sign and went straight ahead towards my goal. And you guessed it, two blocks in and the white barrier signs blocked the road and I had to back up, turn around, and follow the detour. I came to a fork in the road and did not take it. One more time, Yogi was right, and I didn’t pay attention.


When you come to a fork in the road, take it. What does that mean to you? Are you at a fork in your road today? It may be personal, family, career, or spiritual. How we handle our life transitions, the choices we make, and the forks in the road we take all impact our future in dramatic ways.


Paul, in the 4th and 5th chapters of Ephesians share both warnings of what we may face and the voices we make. He warns us against a litany of bad and encourages us to represent Jesus to the world. He talks about us living as people of light. The light that exposes the parts of life that live in darkness and focus our decisions on what Paul detailed in Galatians as the fruits of the Spirit.

Yes, love, joy, and peace accompanied by our active expression of thanksgiving.


All of Paul’s admonitions revolve around which fork in the road we take, and according to Yogi, there inevitably will be forks. Another piece of Yogi wisdom might have been embraced by Paul: We make too many wrong mistakes. Perhaps a good idea to personalize it; I make too many wrong mistakes. I’m trying to think of some right mistakes and the only one I can think of was being in church on the only Sunday Judy was in attendance as well. We met, and 56 years together were the result. I came to a fork in my personal road and took it. Thanks, Yogi for the insight!  


Here is one final thought from Yogi:

“You have got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.”


So, if we combine those three sayings, we might find some truth worth applying:

1.  When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

2.   We make too many wrong mistakes.

3.   You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.


There is a fork in your road. Mistakes have consequences. Knowing where God is calling you will be a cause for thanksgiving. Not only when you get there, but also living the journey. Our journey is now longer than ever. Make it count. You can even listen to Yogi. Because, if Yogi said it, it might be true.


Join Yogi and Stuart as we journey through life together.



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